Home Grown Sunday!

So I'm bringing you a grouping of awesomeness from near acquaintances of mine. These are the peeps that are home grown and internationally known. Always gotta represent the loc's:

First off I bring you Tim John Ill. Fairly new to the producing world but a legend when it comes to mixing up on stage. Go ahead and freestyle to this ish:

Assembly Lines by Tim John iLL

Next up I'll be showcasing another homegrown producer and music-guru, DJ Raf AKA Different Sleep, who's tastes fall towards the electro/house side. But don't be fooled, Sleepy makes his way through melodic guitar riffs and underground beats as well. Although I'll be posting only one song, I suggest you  check out these other tracks: Annual, Landmines & Chandeliers, A Way for You to Know, and Kenny.

Shitwreck by Different Sleep

Now this isn't locally produced but it was stumbled upon by none other than The Author over at Anything_Everything_House. Trippy, crazy, hypnotic videos aren't his thing to be jockin so he thought he'd let this leak my way. Anyways just be prepared for this one. Enjoy:

Vanishing Point from Takuya Hosogane on Vimeo.


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